Monday, October 19, 2009

Autumn And Somethings I Adore

Autumn always brings a fresh wave of artistic charm that never fails to inspire me. I find reflection in God's wondrous creation and a silent beauty in the changing trees that fails for words. I have been missing the sound of rain, and am now happy to say that I have been able to bask in it a few times in the last week. Today, as the first few drops of rain hit my windshield, I turned off my radio and listened to the rain instead. I even hesitated in the rain, relishing the cold sensation, before heading to dry land. Somehow, despite the cold, wet of rain it almost felt warm.

Some things that I am adoring this glorious season:

Falling asleep to Auto-bible (on my phone)
Corduroys paired with a flannel and ballet flats
Layering tanks, shirts, sweaters, jackets, and funky tights
English or Earl Grey Tea with cream and honey
Jane Austen's novels
An art book that I rented from the school library (that I have until the 2nd of November)
The sound of cellos


Nathan Anders said...

reading your blog always makes me happy =p

Amandolin said...

haha aw:) it does? THAT makes me happy:)