Monday, May 03, 2010

Mercies Anewed

Yesterday, while sitting in church, 
I was thinking about God's mercies and how their limit never ends.
How they stretch beyond the deepest point
in space and are new every day.
Though we are wretched sinners and deserve 
nothing, He gives us everything. 
No greater gift could
be given to us. No greater gift could
possibly exist! 

How blessed I feel, that through all my sinful follies,
My Lord still shows me mercy 
and never leaves my feet, as they travel down
this world's worn and miserable path. 
How blessed I feel, 
That even after I stray, He still guides
my feet back to that narrow road,
upon which is heaped
blessings. Even if these blessings
do not make themselves apparent as soon as we encounter them. 

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