Friday, December 29, 2006

im sorry...

well its a sad sad thing, when bloggers stop blogging... and i havent been a very good blogger lately. hahaha.... to be honest, i havent really wanted to blog. for- no apperant reason. hm, i guess ive been weird. gone through a little weird stage. anyways... chrismas was good. we had some family over; my auntie lo and her kids. they came about two days before hand. and a re still here. but- it kinna looks like they are leaving tomorrow morning. and im going with them. to visit my dad... and all that good stuff. other than that, nothing much has happened... psh...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

deep fried....

hey everyone! well tonite is the eragon opening show!and im going with a bunch of friends. i think we're going at 10, but it doesnt start til' 12. so ya. and, tomorrow is the civil war dance. which i am pretty excited about. but- i always am... i still have a little more sewing to do though. it should all work out by tomorrow. it always does.

annnndd... well i burned my hand. again. but- worse this time. i had to go to the doctors for it. okay, so ill tell you guys the basics... i was frying tortillas, (yes it is an oil burn) and jake was at the sink... and i turned around with the pan, mind you it still had boiling oil in it, and i realized that he was there. so i lifted the pan up, and it spilt.... all over my shoulder and hand. okay. im not afraid to say it, i cried. a lot. and for a while too. man! oil burns hurt like crazy!!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

rain, with a forecast of... more rain.

well, it seems, as though im gonna have to say goodbye to a very dear friend of mine... jack... yup, my little kittie is going home with zach. and im sad about it. but- i know that he'll be taken care of. so, no worries about that. alas, i promised zach and thats just the way things are. i think, though, i should have visitaion. otherwise, i would never really see my most loyal, pansy of a cat=[
anyways, enough of my sappyness. we're all running around getting ready for a christmas party. ive been ready for the last hour and a half, or so... sometimes curly hair has its advantages. lol! air dry... its pretty wet and rainy here. although, its stopped raining for the moment. i hope it rain more later. i didnt have the chance to go out and stand in it. as its started raining late last night. maybe ill go jump on the trampoline in the rain=] that would be fun.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

some old roots...

hey guys,
well, i'm in sacramento... man, it seems so weird to be here. i haven't been here since i was like 12. ya... but- i still remember everything. i think part of me misses it. its coming onto four years of living in the santa maria area. and i like it there. but- sometimes your heart just misses your old roots. haha... i sound like im thirty years old, or something... we move so much; so to go back to a few of the places you actually liked sometimes, makes me sad. it was a different life in each place it seems. i mean, the base of the life lived from one place to the other, is the same thing. just the people you encounter along the way, make everything different. some of them you never forget, others you hardly remember. you see some again, and others not at all. it's just the way those people change your surroundings... like we're here at the pooches, and they are a few of the people who made life in sacramento what it was. and, its them that make me miss ol' sacramento. but- i like where we live now. and want to finish that chapter. but alas, im not sure if the chapter there will end anytime soon. haha, so we have a lot more people to encounter, im sure.

Monday, December 04, 2006


okay, this picture does them no justice... they are way more ugly. the sunfish at the monterey bay aqu. is so much fatter, and has blubber hanging from its entire body. and- it looks like it has a unibrow... ya, it is an ugly fish. i gotta wonder what God was thinking when he made it. for our amazment? i have yet to read more on it. then i'll let you know what its purpose is... or even if it has a purpose. or if its just some floating blob of a fish. haha... (i do know they grow to be like 13ft... or at least so they've discovered already.... and can weigh up to 3000lbs.) okay, i would like to point out that i dont hate the sunfish. im just amazed at its ugliness. i mean.... who wouldnt be?

Saturday, December 02, 2006


well, i looked in my archives thing... and saw that i hadn't posted for december... and decided it was time to post. well, not much has happened since my last post... its been pretty laid back. we haven't really done anything too exciting or crazy.
we are going to sacramento next week, on wednesday. im excited... but- not so much for the drive. im not a car person. at least for that long of a time. we're making stops on this trip i think though. so that will be good.
my next geology class is this monday. its a long class, but a good one. (we have to bring a lunch it soo long!) haha... last time i didnt know that, and i was lunch-less. oh well, i lived.
thats pretty much all. at least what im doing the next couple of days.....
OH! the civil war dance is on the 15th. so i have a little sewing to do....... ya. i think im gonna finish it on monday.

i love this sight=]