Monday, November 30, 2009

(Belated) Post On Traveling

A Post on Traveling.

As I pass all these cars in the dark, I wonder where all these people are going to and where they came from. How similar or opposite are their starting points and destinations from my own..? All around me are red and white lights, streaming in the darkness. I am peaceful.. My ears are filled with my ipod’s eccentric range of music (more specifically, the soundtrack to New Moon. It is delicious. Give it a listen) and my stomach of Starbucks.

I took two Dramamine to aid my motion sickness. Consequently, I slept for a bit… I think two hours or so… The drowsy, loopiness has somewhat worn off, and is not so strong as to affect my coherency. I think that I sent a few text messages that were nothing short of confusing. As soon as I gained some logical thought, I sent out a text message apologizing for my incoherency. Haha.
We are all occupied with our own diversions: Jake with his ipod, Mom with her knitting and ipod, Dean with sports radio, Noelle and Carter with a movie on the portable, and Holly is crying (hopefully falling asleep soon). I have always hated being in the car. It has always been hard. Stuck in a tiny space (usually surrounded and packed tightly in with stuff)… Closterphobia and anxiousness set in, making it all the more un-enjoyable and obnoxious. (As well as uncomfortable.) But recently I have been enjoying it a bit more. It gives me time to think. To reflect on the things I don’t have the time to reflect on, on a normal, daily basis.
Right now I am thinking about our Sunday sermon this morning. My pastor talked about the blessing of work given to man to glorify our Heavenly Father. Whatever form our work takes, should be done in and for His glory and not for our own. As well as done in His strength and not our own feeble, inefficient strength. This last week for school was so incredibly hard. I took a test that I was nowhere near ready for. I am thinking about all the late nights that I spent up, bent over my book trying to figure out what in the world a truth table was, and how to do it both successfully and correctly. My mind was so frazzled with sorties. I was so frustrated. All through the test I was thinking about how much I had relied on my own strength in preparation for that test. If only I had prayed more before I studied for it, and looked at it as another way to glorify my God… I know it would have gone better. Though I am thankful for the section of the test that I didn’t have a hard time with… I just stressed and made it ten times worse for myself that it should have been. I can only pray and hope for the best as far as my grade goes for this last test. If it isn’t good, I am hoping that I can make up for it in the two tests to come. While, hopefully, relying on God’s strength and not my own…
It is so funny and slightly weird to see all these major company buildings towering above us as we drive by: WB, Mission Avocados (mMm), Disney… They look strangely empty. (ADD: Avacodos sound so good.) I can’t imagine working for a place like that. I don’t think I could find much joy in it, or love it at all. (Though hopefully, in the influence of the previous paragraph, I would still work for His glory). I'd much rather use the skills and talents that I have been blessed with. Using them to their fullest capacity to glorify God. Though, I suppose that some people are gifted with office work mentality… I just know that that is not where I have been called. Haha. I think the Dramamine is still in effect. I am not making much sense or sticking to a topic. I am kind of all over the place.
I love zoning out and listening to all the individual instruments in each song I listen to. (Again, The New Moon soundtrack is delicious. Give it a taste.)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Whispers Of The Wind

The wind whispered through the trees
Like the melting of snow.
Together they shook and shuddered
And whispered amongst each other.
And I, passing by, stopped and took a gander,
To listen and watch as they whispered together.
Reaching down a golden branch,
One handed me a silver leaf.
I held it to the wind and listened
As it sang me sweet songs of light and peace.
I looked on in gratitude
As the trees whispered on...
And listened in thankfulness
To each note in the silvery leaf's song.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


What is it about driving at night that is so soothing to the mind? Somehow, whenever I drive at night, I always seem to fall deep into the melody of thought. My thoughts drift like the changing of the sea, into different moods and different lights. Sometimes music, softly spilling from my radio, like Coldplay's Yellow, create the perfect back drop to the blurs of nature and structures and light as I fly by them. Though sometimes, I prefer to be in silence. In silence, with nothing but the sound of my tires treading asphalt and the wind I create as my move. I find the red and white lights illuminated by the cars, passing and driving with me, to be strangely warming. When I drive at night, I always feel like I am moving faster. That I have entered a time warp of sorts. And as my thoughts drift on, the lights of the cars moving around me melt into bright, flashing blurs... Defined against the blackness of the night sky. Driving becomes more of a sub-conscious action as I fade out of reality. I signal to turn off the free way, and it is nothing more than pure method driving me. For my mind has gone. Gone wandering to different lands... Skipping from the life of one thought to another. Somehow, though I can scarcely be considered coherent, I manage to slow down and stop at the designated times, turn where and when I need to, and end up where I initially started off to. Despite the fact that my mind has really forgotten all about where I was headed.

Sunday, November 01, 2009


The sparkle of a smile, the music of a laugh.
The reuniting of loved ones,
Together in the bliss of comfort and warmth.
Pass around the cups for tea
And come sit down close beside me.
Share in a whisper and a wink,
Tell me a tale while we finish our drinks.
And we'll close the distance of time.
For I longed for this day when you would once again be mine.
Away from bullets and ashes and sorrow.