Saturday, June 28, 2008

Civil War Dance

mike and i... i literally danced out of my shoes doing the polka with him^^

okay mike and are polkaing in the upper right hand corner...^^^^

hello! and good morning.

the dance last night was fun! i forgot how fun those are. i got to polka with mike. he is so much fun to polka with! he is the only guy who really knows how to polka... we were going so fast... oh man. it started at 6:30 and went until 10. i didnt get home until 12:10 and then didnt go to bed until 2:00... my mom and i were talking for two hours before i went to bed:-)

after the dance some of us went to starbucks. i got an iced americano with soy and carmel flavor. ya. it was very good. you know caffiene doesnt really affect me at night if i am already really tired. i think that is cool. haha! mike was so funny. and there was this other guy that i dont remember his name, he was pretty funny too. all i remeber of him was that he was from frezno and staying in lompoc for a while. also that he is learning to surf...

okay i totally did not know that brittany was in japan!! i asked mike where she was and when he told me that... i had no clue!!! i guess that explains why she didnt return my text a few weeks ago...

today i will just be cleaning and going to michaels... i dont know... i wanted to get together with a friend of mine... i just am not sure how that will go with all that we have to do today=(

well, thats all ive got.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Oil Paint and Vintage Dresses

well, i am in a pretty good mood right now. i started a painting last night and finished it today. it didnt turn out half bad. i have another idea for a painting. i need to go back to michaels again today. i had to go late last night to get paint thinner. i have have some really cool discounts for there. i get 40% off one item and 25% off the over all price. i am pretty excited about that.

well, the civil war dance is tonight and i think we are going. i did decide to wear my purple dress from decades. it brings back memories.... that dress is awesome. it is vintage 50's.... i still remember the day i got it. it was a good day. i had soem pics of it, but somehow they got deleted. sadly.

i have a lot to do... i dont know if i will post again later or not.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Happenings

okay, so about a half an hour ago i ate an apple. as i get a little closer to the core of the apple, there is a rotten part. nice. however, i hadnt seen it. so i take a nice big bite into the apple. after the taste hits my tongue, ya. so now i have a stomach ache and am making tea and going to eat saltine crackers.

also, my mom picked up papa murphys pizza and dropped it off on her way to the store. so- i figured the pizza wasnt spose to be cooked on the white,paper plate it comes on. just to make sure i called papa murphys. turned out it was spose to be cooked on there! you all know my accident prone-ness (specially with being burnt), i didnt want to set a fire in our oven. im pretty sure i would have burned myself if i had. i just had to make sure. i felt dumb calling. but! the cooking instructions werent clear about that. i partly blame the cooking instructions. plus, it makes me feel less dumb.

the kids, two of noelles friends, and myself went to go see a free movie at the theater today. we saw firehouse dog. i thought it was going to be a cartoon. i am glad that it was a normal one. it was pretty cute. it make me think of my dad the whole time though. kinda freaked me out a little bit. it is fire season right now. it started kind of early this year.

after the movie we went over to michaels. they are having this 40% off sale all week... i think we will be going back again tomorrow. i bought some new paints beacuse, the last time i used the ones i already had, half of them were dried up. so- i decided, time for new paints. i think i might get some more canvases tomorrow... im not sure.

this weekend we might go to a civil war dance. we havent been to one of those in so long! it should be fun. i know there are some of you who might be laughing... it is fun though! last time i didnt wear my civil war dress. i prolly wont this time either. it would take as much work fixing it as making a whole new one, if i were to wear it. also, i dont have time between now and this weekend to fix it or make a new one. i am pretty much looking forward to that. i might wear my dress from decades. i havent worn that for a long while.

okay, second pizza in without burning myself...

as my friend, marian, in florida says," goodbye is forever, tootles is see/talk to you later."

so tootles

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Waz Good?

hello all,

i have been just hanging around the house today. it is nice. just doing the things that i need to do, and want to do. i created a pianofiles account. i am stoked about that! it is a sight where pianists exchange music files. so i emailed a bunch of people on there for some of their songs. i requested some good ones: more mae, jack johnson, paramore, eisley.... ya. i am pretty stoked. hopefully i will get a few songs by tomorrow. that would be epic. though, it may take a few days.

so i started to crochet a few days ago. i like it. it is entertaining. i cant explain it. like it doesnt look fun, but it is. lol! i am currently making a throw(which is pretty much a fancy term for a blanket). it is kind of amazing. i cant wait until it is done.

mackenzie left today. its sad. i think she is on her plane right now. but- i think she might be coming out again in august. it is not official though. we had some pretty good times! ill have to keep up with email, calling, and texting with her.

i decided that i wanted to learn as many cool art type craft stuff. that way, when i am older and have my own home and family, i can use (or build) a room as my art studio. i could even have a business that way! i am working on that. it kind of just came to me a few days ago. errgo- my learning to crochet (how do you spell that, " errgo?" ergo, errggo, erggo???? no clue. you all get it).

i hope my dad does come this summer. he said that he would let me know when his vacation time was. (he is a fireman... so- ya). i really want him too. pretty hardcorely.

other than all that, there is nothing much else to say.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Late Night Ahead

i am currently babysitting. my little charge, jackson, is asleep. so- i am not slacking. he is awesome by the way.

well, yesterday, when we were surfing, i was just coming up from being underwater and this huge wave slaps me right on the side of my face. i so wasnt ready for that one. usually, i like to jump up on top of the wave. you know, like normal... that didnt happen. it slapped me at just the right angle causing my ear to first hear no sound then to ring. today, i have swimmers ear. it is kinda driving me nuts. my mom put alcohol in it. i guess it helps to break down the salt water... dean explained it all scientific... however, it hasnt gone away. maybe it will drain while i am sleeping.

i am babysitting until 12or 1a.m. so i have a while...

i am wondering whether or not jordie went to summer hume....???

okay. it was 105 today. it was so hot! since we live on the coast, the houses dont include air conditioning. so we have all been sweating to death. the other day it was 108!!! oh my word. i cant wait until monday. it will be cooled down by then.

and i think that yesterday was an even better surfing day than the day before it... it makes me happy:-)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sizzle up

today it was 95 degrees! psh. it was very warm. and unexpected. i forgot to check the weather all this week, so i had no idea. i guess there is a cold front coming this weekend. nice. it will be even better after this hot weather:-) the breeze is finally kicking in....

the beach was epic today! i think today was my best day surfing. no joke. i graduated:-) also, my wet suit tan is extremely ridiculous now.

tomorrow i have babysitting for like nine hours. ya. it will be good though. i am still trying to find my home occupation. working on it. so babysitting is very okay. it is only one little boy, who, is good!

also, i think we have someone coming for dinner tomorrow. which is kinda sad since i wont be there.

mackenzie is leaving in a few days=(=(=(

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Holding the Line

okay the moon tuesday night was awesome. it was so bright!! all the lights in the house were off and my room was so bright!! with the blinds closed too! i ended up going to the living room and looking out the big windows. simply beautiful.

today we went surfing. it was so warm today! i have to say, my wet suit tan is ridiculous. seriously. it is so bad. there is literally nothing i can do about it. no matter the amount of sunblock i put on or dont put on. lol! i guess that just comes with the package.

well, i am wiped. so i will post tomorrow. maybe.

i am going surfing tomorrow morning again:-)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Catching Up

does a rose, by any other name, still smell as sweet?

under the pismo pier

wow. that is all i can say. it just hit me this morning. there is so much that has to be finished up and figured out in the coming the last year of high school. a lot of big decisions.

as some of you may or may not know. my permit expired in february while i was away in tennessee. i was pretty bummed about that. really. so the options are, do the whole thing over again or wait until i am 18. my mom prefers me to have practice before i drive... so i think that we might be taking the "do it all over again" route.

i really wanted to get that done with before my dad came this summer (if indeed he is really coming here to visit me). that way i would be able to drive them around... take them to cool places. i guess being co-pilot isnt that big of a difference. it is just easier driving than giving directions.

then there are the college discussions and choices.

plus i need to figure out a way to earn money. that sounds so- i dunno, greedy in a way. i dont mean it like that at all. i cant really call it earning a living... cuz im not on my own. so i rally dont know what else to call it. i am going to putting together a list... i need to figure that out as soon as possible. i have quite a few ideas. it is just the choosing of an avenue that is the hard part. where to go..?? yes, i need to make the list. i kind of wanted to have my own business of sorts.

my parents are going to take me on a trip out of country for my graduation. it is time to do my research and figure out where i would want to go.

so there is a lot to think about:-)

we went surfing yesterday... it was nice! the weather was good. the wind kicked in at one point... so the waves blew out a bit. though, by that time we were done surfing. haha!!! while we were out surfing there was this seal and he was hanging out where we were. mackenzie was totally freaked out. i was too. i cant lie. i mean what if we made it mad at us... ya. we both screamed. it was very funny. then mackenzie got attacked by a crab. lol! i wasnt there for that one. but- i did laugh when i heard the story.

today is grandmas last day before she goes home. we all wanted her to get a summer job up here.... sadly that didnt happen=(

today, i believe, i will just be doing laundry and chores. which is very fine. i am very sore and tired from this week and a half of surfing, boarding, tag, hiking on the beach... so the hanging around the house is nice. i did hear something about the craft store. im not sure though, if anyone goes there i will for sure go.

that is all i have for now. i say that like this is a short post. lol:-)

so long

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Front Page

we went surfing today. it was amazing. the weather was perfect and the waves were pretty good. i am still pretty stoked about it... it was a lot of fun.

mackenzie came back this tuesday and is staying for two weeks. so that is pretty cool. we have had some good times already.

the other day we boarded to starbucks, chilled there for a while, then went to the 99cent store, and last to target. when we got home, we watched princess bride and ate pb&j (i really love pb&j). then mom and elle went to run an errand while the rest of us got ready to go to a baseball game. it was my first baseball game. it was pretty fun. though, most the time i didnt understand the game. like id ask if the last hit was a good one cuz it went straight out to the field... and it wasnt( i sitll dont know why it wasnt). lol! i mean i could tell if they werent good hits if they went off to the side or straight up... so that was fun to go with the family=)

not sure what tomorrow will hold...

i found out that my stepmom is pregnant too. so i will get two new siblings at the end of this year. one in november and the other in december. though it is possible that they could both be in december... it will be amazing either way! also!! my mom is having a girl!!! i knew it was gonna be:-):-) i think my stepmom and dads baby will be a girl too... lainey thinks so too:-)

Friday, June 06, 2008

Shell Beach

Tuesday, June 03, 2008