Saturday, January 26, 2008

some pictures

^^scared to death? maybe.^^

^^vision and getty^^


^^road town^^

^^home sweet home, for the next month and a half^^

^^got these done in a day and a half^^

Friday, January 25, 2008

no water, but plenty of mud

^^^^^^thats what we got lost in. at night.^^^^^^^

just when all of us girls thought, we have water!! we lost it three days later. so yes we are without water again. please pray that it returns quickly!!! and that the construction guy would get the water pipes covered (they are currently exposed to the weather and all it brings). thankfully i was able to get a shower in before we heard the news.

well, things are going pretty well here. just working in the office (or the ice box as i like to call it). ive been in charge of the phone calls the last three days. it keeps you on your toes. thats for sure. when im not on the phone taking orders, getting info for account changes, and women who need help logging in im usually doing computer work. as far as the computer work goes i go in and change accounts, send letters to people, sift through squirrel mail (lol), and add people. then theres the packaging and shipping.

hey something exciting! and scary. wow. i still cant believe my chicken self did this. although most the time i thought that i was gonna pass out with fear. lol! clara came over a couple days ago and hung out with us for a while. then had planned on spending the night at vanges. so when it was time for her to walk over there the other amanda and i didnt want her to have to walk through the woods, in the dark, by herself. so- we all linked arms and walked into the darkness of the forest(dramatic huh?). we got there just fine! we had clara as a guide! she has been there thousands of times. but once on our way back. not so much. lol! we got a bit lost and couldnt find the little trail into the woods that would take us back to the campbells house. we found it,eventually, and timidly entered back into the woods. (also when i say woods, i mean Woods....) there was no running either. it had been raining all day and the day before so- mud. lots of it. our shoes were in bad shape after that. i guess my converse are gonna have to be reserved for mud walking now. anyways, it was scary but we made it through.

sorry that all my posts are so long. and thank you to all who endure the time it takes to read them!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

the henningsens

hey everyone!!
we had a blast yesterday! we went into "town" yesterday. we went to walmart and out to eat at the cracker barrel. yesss! im part of the cracker barrel club now. haha! if any ways read this post, i went to cracker barrel! (and i had something with bacon mr way!) haha! good times. so it was fun. i got batteries there for my camera. i know i know, its crazy. jk.

when we got home after being out, we all decided to take a nap. it was heavenly. our schedules are still all thrown off. so the sleep was needed. then we went over to the henninstons, where i really think that i met kalebs twin (pre long hair) haha! it was crazy. i kept wanting to call him kaleb when i talked to him. i had to keep reminding myself that he wasnt! they were a really cool family. they had ten kids and like three or four were married with kids of their own. so we had all their younger kids, plus their older children and grand children, plus a few of the neighbors and their kids, and then all of us!! there were so many. i still dont understand how we all fit in the house. at one time i think that there were like three babies crying at the same time... as soon as we walked in a bunch of the guys wanted us to write songs with them about coming here and living with the campbells. cuz you know they meet all the rubie girls. so- they are used to having all these girls come over at some point. they gave me a guiar and had me play with them for a while. it was so fun! they all have martin guitars... ahhhhhhh=) anyways, the henningston family are a recording family. they are all signed and record together. though some of them are breaknig away and starting to have their own contracts. they sing country christian and write a few normal songs on the side. they are pretty good. we stayed at their house for a couple of hours talking, singing worship songs, and having theology discussions. it was all very interesting. i really enjoyed it. i think we (at least i will) end up going over there a few times. im sure some the other girls will too though. their daughter wanted to get together with another girl (who happens to be named amanda too) and i tomorrow. it should be fun! shes really cool. her name is claire(17). so ya!

i met the campbells oldest daughter the other night as well. she so funny. there is never a moment when you wonder where is evangeline?? cuz you can hear her. shes really nice! haha! very funny. she has nine kids. i like her=)

tomorrow is my second day of work! yay for me! its fun.

eventually ill post pictures. i only just got batteries yesterday though!

(mom, dean, and other family/friends i forgot to tell you all that you can comment on here without having a blog. =)

Friday, January 18, 2008

bathtubs made out of sinks...

okay- so, on the drive here last night, mr campbell informed us that one of the water pipes had frozen and broke while they were in new zealand. so they only have one water pipe which ment quick showers. then this morning, mrs campbell walks in the office and says," girls, i have a bit of bad news. it seems the guys who were working on the other pipe, have busted our last pipe. the water came out the cracks and is now frozen as well." so no showers, no flushing of toilets (or pulling the chain as mrs campbell says), no washing of clothes, no dishwasher... we'll be using the spring water from the sink to wash our hair, face, and arms. at least we have water at all!! so please pray that they can get the pipes fixed soon!!!

so, i woke up this morning totally unsure of what to expect. after today im pretty excited for the rest of the trip! excited for the adventures, good times, and lessons ill learn. also the trials. its actually fun working down in the office. i cant help but to think of "the office." today i added a bunch of people to the above rubies group on the computer. i did that from 9 until 12:30. had lunch then, packaged a bunch of news letters from then until about 3. there are four other girls working here with me: lisa, hannah, carrie, and another amanda! they are all really great. fun, easy to talk to.

haha! all the girls adopted from liberia are so cute and funny and very sweet! they almost never stop talking and laughing. i love to see them laugh for some reason. their names are psalmody(16), sapphire(15), and mercy(15).

we went on a four mile hike today. it was really nice to get out and walk a bit. and though everything is still bare, it was still very pretty. we got back and finished i the last of the packaging. now im free for the rest of the evening!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

airports....(1st post in tennessee!)

well, im in tennessee! my plane didnt crash. lol! i didnt expect it to...

so we lef t a t like 5:40 this morning. maybe sixish. the drive went well up until we were about a "half hour" away from the burbank airport. we hit quite a bit of traffic. by the time we got to the airport, we were all worried that i wouldnt make the flight. we get up up the counter to check in, and the first thing that comes out of her mouth is," you are gonna have to hustle." i was thinking," oh great." we got the bags checked in then went to the metal thingys. oh. my. word. we had to take off shoes and jewelry! i had no idea that we had to do th at!!! i mean. ya. i knew we had to walk trough those things but- my shoes. anyways- so the people infront of us took forever. the guy kept telling the girl that she need ed to take off her jewelry, but i guess she didnt understand that. haha! finally we get through and dean turns to me and says," dont worry about putting your shoes back on, you dont have time." which ment that neither did he. so there we were, the both of us, running full speed through the airport. and of course my gate had to be the farthest. we get tot the gate and apperently another lady had gotten there late too, cuz the plane had already pulled away and then had to drop the stairs for her. i was able to run out and jump on. still without shoes. haha! it was funny. and then finding a seat. that was interesting. however- i made it. now im sitting here thinking of home and eating charms candy. lol!

in the airport here, there were all these awesome guitars cased around the floor with stories to follow them. it wa amazing! recording city. ahh.... amazing. i wonder?? i bet so many bands well, actually most im sure, have recorded here at some point. pure amazingness. oh and speaking of the airport here, my bags havent gotten here yet. lol! we have to go back later. i really hope they come.... im sure they will. i hope.

well, i miss and love you all! please keep me in your prayers=)

Monday, January 14, 2008

click to make larger....

most spastic picture of the year award '08 goes to:

scariest picture of the year '08 award goes to:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

flying alone, but still happy.

so right now, im feeling pretty ontop of the world. i got some things worked out with a friend of mine. and it makes me happy. very. the feeling of loosing a friend... not good. so im so very glad that its worked out!

ive been able to work on my music a lot lately. its something that i really enjoy. and it my parents are supportive of me recording! im so excited. i wasnt sure how they would feel about it. they are pretty much for it. though, i still have a few more things to learn, and figure out before any recording happens. but- it will eventually. one of my goals is to learn as many instruments as i can.ive been doing piano, working on the guitar, and i have a flute. who knows, maybe ill throw in the drums. haha! ya.

AND last but not least, im going to tennessee! my first trip completely on my own! its gonna be a bit nerve racking with switching planes and not really know what im doing in the airport. and waiting for my second plane to come in. whew. crazyness. i get the opportunity to live with fellow christans for two months! helping them in their daily life stuff. also helping them create and publish a magazine. its snowing there right now too! so i get a chance to wear my awesome coat... ill post pics and stuff while im there.

tomorrow i get to spend time with friends... which will be amazing!

ive gotten to spend wonderful time with my family!

so yes, im feeling pretty on top of the world right now.