^^^^^^thats what we got lost in. at night.^^^^^^^
just when all of us girls thought, we have water!! we lost it three days later. so yes we are without water again. please pray that it returns quickly!!! and that the construction guy would get the water pipes covered (they are currently exposed to the weather and all it brings). thankfully i was able to get a shower in before we heard the news.
well, things are going pretty well here. just working in the office (or the ice box as i like to call it). ive been in charge of the phone calls the last three days. it keeps you on your toes. thats for sure. when im not on the phone taking orders, getting info for account changes, and women who need help logging in im usually doing computer work. as far as the computer work goes i go in and change accounts, send letters to people, sift through squirrel mail (lol), and add people. then theres the packaging and shipping.
hey something exciting! and scary. wow. i still cant believe my chicken self did this. although most the time i thought that i was gonna pass out with fear. lol! clara came over a couple days ago and hung out with us for a while. then had planned on spending the night at vanges. so when it was time for her to walk over there the other amanda and i didnt want her to have to walk through the woods, in the dark, by herself. so- we all linked arms and walked into the darkness of the forest(dramatic huh?). we got there just fine! we had clara as a guide! she has been there thousands of times. but once on our way back. not so much. lol! we got a bit lost and couldnt find the little trail into the woods that would take us back to the campbells house. we found it,eventually, and timidly entered back into the woods. (also when i say woods, i mean Woods....) there was no running either. it had been raining all day and the day before so- mud. lots of it. our shoes were in bad shape after that. i guess my converse are gonna have to be reserved for mud walking now. anyways, it was scary but we made it through.
sorry that all my posts are so long. and thank you to all who endure the time it takes to read them!
Just when you thought you could shave your legs on a more regular basis.....NOT!
Just wear the tights and no one will know.
It will be our little secret (well, and everyone who reads your blog, psh)
haha! mom.... i have been wearing tights, leggins, and pants. no one can see. lol! and never will. its too cold to have bare legs!
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