Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I tend to look ahead a lot in life... I dwell on what could be in the future when I should booking at what is in the present. I have no idea why I do this. Maybe it's because I have an idea of what I think will be the best part of my life here on this Earth, and what's not the best part; the future being the better part of my life and the present being not so. Does that make me perpetually unsatisfied then? Why should I be unsatisfied when every chapter I turn, and every block I lay down, is a step toward this ultimate moment; this ultimate goal. Why would I want to skip the present moments, as I so often desire, to get to the ones ahead? Every one of those moments help define what my future will be... They are all included in the devine blueprints that my Creator has so carefully planned out for me... So why, in my right mind, would I desire to move past them at lightening speed? I should have ultimate happiness in these moments because my Father has created them for me, before my life was every a fleeting thought in the minds of my parents. Though, I know that it is not bad for me to grieve and feel sadness in times of hardship and tragedy... Still, as a child of my Heavenly Father, I should be looking upward toward the heart of His plan, searching for the strength to accept this beat in the blueprint He has made for my life.

I can still be excited for my future while relishing and rejoicing in the present, so long as I am not so overcome with desire for my future that I dismiss the present.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Never are voices so beautiful
as on a winter's
when dusk almost hides
the body,
and they seem to issue from nothingness
with a note of intimacy seldom
heard by day."

Night and Day - Virginia Woolf

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Oh dear,
What to do.
Everyone seems to be transitioning 
over from blogger
to tumblr.
Is blogger the myspace of
this scenario and tumblr the facebook?
Oh dear... 

I've had a long day of finals and house cleaning,
and have finally come to a
moment of rest;
I have been doing some eye
studies in my
sketchbook, whilst sipping
peppermint tea. 

I need my Jordie for this moment.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Please Let Me

Live in dresses and sweaters
Spend the day painting flowers and drawing birds
Grow butterfly wings
Sing the day through
Swim under the Sea and find hidden treasures
Grow my hair long long long and lace it with baby's breath
Run through meadows barefoot
Talk to animals
Bask in perfect sunlight

Saturday, April 02, 2011


I long for a time of rest.
A time when
I can create my own home for the family
that I have yet to begin.

I long for the peace of reading amid
my small, fruitful
garden that I have so very diligently tended and
nurtured in the cool
of the afternoons.

I long for a time when all I 
have to learn, is how to further become a 
Proverbs 31 woman,
through and through.

I long for the day
when my artistic endeavors will be granted
full pardon to 
the order of a day; pure

I long to teach my yet to be had children
all that I have discovered
and learned
on my 
unavoidable path of

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Possibilities, discover, wonderful.

Does your mind run a-muck with
possibilities when you
see untouched paper?
Does your heart flutter when you see a
tube of paint and
hold a paintbrush in your hand?
Does your breath catch when you  discover
new mediums?
I know mine does, and it is 
chaotically wonderful.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

It does the heart and soul good
to daydream for 
a while, 
even when you know 
that you should be studying for an
upcoming exam.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Thing of Beauty

Katherine Hilbery...

"Although thus supported by the knowledge of his new possession of considerable 
value, he was not proof against the familiar thoughts which
the suburban streets and the damp shrubs growing
in front of gardens and the absurd names painted in white upon the 
gates of those 
gardens suggested to him."

~ Virginia Woolf, Night and Day

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bit of a Belated Post for Adam

This post is belated, but my justification
for this is perfectly understandable, as my day was spent in
prep work for Adam's
surprise Valentines Day night<3

I cannot believe that it has already been two years! 
Time has flown so fast, 
and yet I remember every day. 
I am looking forward to another year of unforgettable moments
spent with you
(and all the years paving the way to the end of time). 

You are the sweetest, most gentle man I know, 
and I am so blessed and ecstatic to
be a part of your life; thank you for sharing it with me.
I don't know why you chose
me, but I am thankful that you did, more and more
every day.

Thank you for being my shoulder, and for leaving your shoulder
open 24 hours a day, seven days a week
(you don't even take the weekends off!)
You have guided and comforted me through hard, sad times
and through this, 
I know that we have grown 
closer and the bond 
between us has grown stronger. 

We have spent months apart, and ran into each others' arms 
in the end. I treasure those moments
more than I could ever spell out, as well 
as the overwhelming excitement I feel in my throat
and the butterflies that brush their tiny wings against
my rib cage, at the thought of
seeing you again.

I love all of our Biblical, theological discussions and 
how much I glean from your
You truly are a man after
God's own heart,
and that is something I rejoice in 
and thank God for:)

I love that we can be silly together; making our cheeks
sore with our smiles. 
I love that we can even be silly
in public, acting as if the world weren't laughing at us;
being completely oblivious 
to the looks people give us as they pass by.
I love laughing with you 
as much as I love the air I breathe.

Most of all, I have to tell you,
that my love for you is undefinable
and near impossible to portray with earthly revelations. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Love Like A Hurricane

He is jealous for me.
Loves like Hurricane, 
I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of His
wind and mercy.

When all of a sudden, 
I am unaware 
of these afflictions eclipsed by glory.
And I realize just how
beautiful You are and how great your affections
are for me.

O, how he loves us so.
O, how He loves us
How he loves us so.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Unexpected Beauty

Something that I never thought I would ever say:
It can be very beautiful down
here in the desert, especially when you are 
driving before the sun;
with all the city lights glowing in the 
soft, pre-dawn light.
Witnessing, the gentle, orange sunlight
stretch across fields and touch mountain peaks, with
all the snow covered mountains peeking through the scene in the 
Then, as the sun rises higher, it's light
highlights creeping fog that clings to the trunks of
barren, knarled trees and slithers
through the dew-decorated
field grass.