Monday, December 10, 2007

whats new?

well, im here to blog. i dont really have much to say.
things have been interesting these last few months. very.
some good, some bad. though, isnt that the way it goes
most of the time? maybe its just more so these last months
i think.

well, the nutcracker is gone and past. i must say, im happy
that its over and yet sad at the same time. it was a lot of
work and energy! i think my favorite parts out of my eight
were being the mouse king and waltz of the flowers. i enjoied
those a bit more than all my other parts. welll, i did like
part of snow. the middle-ish part. i got to do an awesome
tour jetè. fun. havent been back to ballet class yet. ive
been battling a cough, lost voice, and weird breathing.
so, the breathing being the biggest reason, i havet been back.
i didnt want to pass the not so funness to anyone there. its
getting better though. hopefully ill be able to go tomorrow.
it seems to be the worse in the evenings into the morning...
which, ballet is in the evening. sooo... .ya. now im just
rambling. would ya all pray that i get better soon?

my mom is outta town at the moment. down south. so we are all
manning the stations here, the best we can. without her, we
can get lost sometimes. haha! jk. we are okay. but we all
miss her. a lot.