Saturday, May 27, 2006

the strawberries invade.

yep, well... i went to the strawberry festival in a.g. today. it was way better than the one in santa maria for sure. (but- i have good memories of the one here in s.m. lol! carl and alyssa know what i mean... haha.) it was good to go get my mind diverted to something else. otherwise, today would have been a lot more sad than it was. man, i got a good laugh outta the girl dressed as a strawberry walking down the street, singing about how we should go get old fashion shortcake at doc burnstiens. singing to the tune of..?? well when i remember the tune i might just add it in here... cause right now im having a hard time remembering it. go figure. i felt for her... but- i guess it pays. hu.........

Thursday, May 25, 2006


well, it comes down to this. kaleb is leaving in two days, and i'm pretty sad:( i wish he wouldn't go but- if he feels like he should and wants to go, then he should go with it. i don't want to be one of those people who bug and say things like," you shouldn't go. OR "see thats why you should stay here," every chance i get. i mean, hes already had a hard time deciding, and now that hes decided, (sort of) why would i want to make him feel bad or put him back at the beginning of the situation again. so with that, i just want to say," i don't want you to go kaleb but- if thats what you think will be best for you, then i'll miss you. and i hope you have a good time back home and that you'll visit as much as you can." if anyone would like to leave a comment for kaleb, please do so. (although i'm sure you would want to leave it on his blog... but- you still can here too. if you want.)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

playing with fire...

well, i almost burned down the house this morning. it was pretty bad, i'm serious. as most of you know, i have a cup of tea every morning. so, i filled the tea kettle and turned on the burner. but- i turned on the wrong burner. and well, the pie that was sitting ontop of that burner... caught a light and burned like never before. i walked out for a second, then when i walked back in i saw it and screamed. well, it wasn't a scream, more like between a scream and a yelp. (if thats possible.) not too late after my scelp, my mom came in, then she screamed (she really screamed) and called for dean. i in the mean time, was opening windows and turning on fans. dean got it out and that's about it. then as soon as it's outside, my mom says," amandalin! why...!? don't play with fire!!!" (she was kidding, she knows that i didn't seriously try to burn the house down.)
keep in mind that this happened on our way out the door, while we were all dressed and ready for church.... i will say, the smell of burnt plastic in not pleasant. burnt paper, yes. burning plastic, no.

Monday, May 15, 2006

in His peace

these last few days have been pretty hard, and still today has been too. but- after all the worrying and sadness. i realized that some things weren't meant to last long. worry and sadness being some of them. i have finally given up on trying to do things on my own and just rely on God. in his perfect plan there is peace, which we all need. something that i myself, have been keeping myself from. it has definitely been a long journey getting here and the journey isn't completely ended either. i'm sure it will be this way for a quite a while longer, but i've reached the beginning of the end... there is no turning back, no restart... so i'm glad to say, i taken a step further in giving my life fully to christ. a step further in following all the taken steps before me. left in the sand for all those, like myself, to follow.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

a late night snack...

i really did just have a late night snack. and it was good; an avacodo sandwhich with mayo, salt, pepper, on wheat bread. with- the bread toasted. and why? cause i went to a friends soccer game today, and got home around 7:55 pm, then did some chores. so by the time i was done, it was late and i hadnt eaten. i will let you know that her soccer game was awesome and her team won 9 to 5. it was a good game.
and just for all the mothers out there, (even though im sure none read my blog) a happy mothers day to you. even though, its not offically mothers day.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

constant guide

Beautiful in more ways than one.
Unfailing in thought,
Ever vivid.
Like the constant dripping of water,
Steady and unwavering.
Faithful as the dawning morning,
Ever expected.
Like the velvet sky of night...
Your hand gently guides me.
Turning me away from dangers,
Hidden along the narrow path.
Turning my heart away
From broken commandments,
Keeping my eyes ever steady on you.
Your light shines,
A constant guide.
Like a lighthouse,
In a storm.
Ever warding lost ships,
From the death of a sheer rock face.
God, my guide...
Keep me in your arms of guidence.

Monday, May 08, 2006

its like falling asleep in class...

man, so far today has been well... almost outta control. remember that insane babysitting i talked about recently. well, this is the fourth day of me doing so. i will say, it gets you pretty tired. i really wish i could go to sleep. but- i cant. (lets see... one, two, three... yep seven kids... i mean its definitely not the largest number of kids ive babysat. but still.)
guess what, a few more hours and we'll be home bound. ahhh, i cant wait to sleep in my own bed. im pretty excited to go home. i mean, i cant say i havent enjoyed myself at all. there were some great things about coming down here, aside for the the debate i had to watch and the babysitting getting crazy... haha! man last night during the debate, i almost fell asleep (and more than once too.) it was pretty funny. its a good thing my mom didnt see. she would not have been happy. it was fun to laughing to myself, every time i did.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

fast food is deadly...

awww... being out of town, where you are babysitting insane cousins and where your uncle is trying to get you to do his chores. where everyone sleeps until 12:00 and eats fast food every meal. (at least the two they get in.) but then again i guess they get in three, cause they stay out and are awake until somewhere around 1:oo every morning. go figure.
we however went roller skating last night. it was pretty fun. i am happy to say that i only fell once, playing whip- lash with my aunt and uncle. hopefully, i will be able to put up a few of the pictures from our skate trip. we'll see, if i can get a hold of the camera. well, thats about it.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

flying, demented rabbits...

well, we're going out of town again. but- will for sure, be back on monday.
man, last night i had a few weird dreams. i'll only put down one. okay, well in my dream i was in my room, when i saw a bunny rabbit. so i went to go pet it. and it flew at my face, i freaked out! i put the cat in there and left the room. a few minutes later, i went in again and there were like four more rabbits, all as demented as the first. so, i went to get the vaccum cleaner. (haha) but- as i was going a rabbit stated to scream. yes! the cat got one! then as i bent down to pick it up, another one came at me so i picked up the nearest object and smashed it. and- it lived, so i threw the object (which i found to be a wooden spoon). then........ it died. i cant say that i really remember what happened next. i think i pretty much did the same thing over and over again. so ya...