Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas is too Close! (Merry Christmas Eve!)

My mind is blown, I can't believe how fast this year has ended.
and NOW,
I have all this creating, wrapping, and frosting to do!
There's too much fun stuff
to do. I am not used to doing so many fun things in succession!
(off to the mid day Christmas Service at church)

Merry Christmas Eve!
I hope that it is a blessed day for all you
lovely people.

Monday, December 06, 2010


I feel like the world of art is opening before 
me, and I am so excited 
that I can barely contain myself.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

A Day With The Masters

Today I visited the masters:
Dega, Van Gogh, Monet, Rembrandt, Picasso,
Nolde, Lacombe, Rivera, and many
I am so blessed to be in
the art class that I am in, with the people
that are in it. 
They are all so full of good advice, wisdom, encouragement,
praise, and constructive criticism.
I am truly thankful for them.
Our trip to the Huntington Museum and Norton Simon Museum 
today was thoroughly amazing.
They made the trip what it was and I know that
without them, it would not have
been half of the experience that it was
(especially for a first timer in art museums like me).

Friday, December 03, 2010


I am taking a sabbatical from my Facebook
until finals are over,
but if I could post a status right now,
I would say:
Only Lady Gag would/could make a Christmas Song
P.S. Going to the Getty tomorrow!
(for the first time ever).