Saturday, May 29, 2010


Fresh vegetables are the best way
to serve dinner. That is one thing that I will never take for
granted about California, we always
have fresh vegetables and fruits.
(well, there are tons of things about Cali 
that are unfavorable, but then again, all places have 
their cons). I love Cali. I am just a California girl.
Nothing can change this fact.
I love the sun, the fresh produce, the surf,
the fact that we have mountains, hills, fields, plains,
rivers, the ocean. We have what every other state has, all combined
to create a beautifully changing landscape.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Dozing Mind

 I find myself completely and utterly exhausted right now.
(Though, staying up until 3 a.m. was my fault)
However, school and work are keeping me going when my body wants
to slow down. 

I fell asleep in the car, a 15 minute car ride,
within the first five of those minutes.
I repeated on the way home.
Oh well, sleep will come early tonight, I hope. 
I truly want a good nights sleep.
I don't want to be tired
for another Sunday Sermon and miss half 
of the sermon itself, due to my 
sleep-deprivation, and dozing mind.

I am happy to say,
that my poetry writing has returned. 
I am always saddened by how it chooses to come and go.
I'd much rather it just stay.
But, I refuse to complain about its goings,
and instead to be excited in its return!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The END Draws Near!

Thank goodness!
The end of classes! (officially today)
Though this means the beginning of finals week. 
However, I never fear finals week. There is such a hushed calm
about the campus, that even the most routey regulars respect.
I am mentally prepared for my English final, almost done with my art final (waiting on 
and an email from my art teacher),
I need some studying for math (but as I find it much better to study the night before
and day of a test, that shall wait), 
and my dance final will be as easy as cherry pie. 
(I've never understood that phrase. Making a homemade cherry pie is 
true work, though pleasant during and pleasing afterward).

I am so looking forward to furthering my artful talents,
checking off books on my summer reading list, with a dear friend (her blog),
and surfing both water and sand.
Most of the time, I dread the after affect that the finishing of a semester leaves
you with: the strange hole that burns in the very front of your
brain, telling you that you have a math test tomorrow, and an essay due the day after that,
and loads of reading. As well as the waking up
at 6 a.m. out of habit OR the waking up at a lovely, late hour,
and running into the shower, out the door, in your car and down your street
before you realize that you AREN'T late for class, as there is no class! 
(yes, I have done this). 
Or even the fact that you feel like you HAVE to do something
when you really don't.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Romatic Hearts

What is it about the works of Keats, Austen, The Brontë sisters, and, occasionally,
Dickens and Whitman that beguile me so?
Is it the richness of description and a flourishing, endless
use of vocabulary that captures my heart so strongly? 
Or is it the world in which they lived and described that holds my heart
with a fast and dead-lock grip: The letters, the gardens,
tea three and four times a day,
the picnics, the gorgeous, welcoming homes, light by candle, true, religious
cooking and baking (wholesome and without preservatives),
the love of all things artful and
beautiful (for much of our society has 
lost this love). There are precious few of us, romantic hearts, left
to take full appreciation and advantage of such things.
Precious few people in this day and age,
take the time to read literary classics, with a passion and zeal to match
the books themselves.
I am happy to say, that I do own sealing wax and a seal,
still write old fashioned letters,read classic literature, I am in love with tea and 
with lying in the sun, surrounded by wild nature,
reading good a book. 

"Then let winged Fancy wander
Through the thought still spread beyond her:
Open wide the mind's cage-door,
She'll dart forth, and cloudward soar.
O sweet Fancy! let her loose;
Summer's joys are spoilt by use,
And the enjoying of the Spring
Fades as does its blossoming;
Autumn's red-lipp'd fruitage too,
Blushing through the mist and dew."
John Keats- from Fancy


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pepole Watching and Bulbs

Just a moment ago, I was sitting on my porch sipping coffee and people watching 
(As I am well hidden on my porch in my black sweater).
Two little kids with rusty, old metal pipes came 
into my view. The little boy was struggling with jamming the pipe in his
bike so that he didn't have to carry it.
This made me really nervous, as the end facing outward was
very sharp. I ended up saying a silent prayer 
for safety over the little ones with their sharp rusty, old poles. 
The two were joined by a third on a bike
just as the little boy had finished pounding his pole into
his bike with his friends weapon.
They were soon out of view as they scampered off on whatever their
mission was (I did hear the third child ask if something was found, which the answer to was 
All the while, the guy whose house the little kids had stopped 
infront of, was watering his grass quietly. 
Soon, another man came out of the house of the lawn guy,
and rode away on roller blades, with to boxers on leashes (he does this frequently).
A random survey guy muttering to himself and searching out
a new house to make his victim (no doubt he was muttering about how 
no one takes his survey, and how he wish he
were home with some homemade bread and soup).

Then I happened to look up at our porch light,
it is such a gross color:
a brownish orange that fades into a sickly yellow towards the top
of the bulb. How gross. Is it discolored from age?
Or did the previous occupants in this house actually pay money
for such an ugly bulb. I never did understand those yellow bulbs. They make everyone
look a sickly yellow,
and make every shadow a lurking preditor. They should be
banned from every store,
and made completely unavailable to anyone. No one should buy those
gross things (nor the bluish ones either. Those ones make even the prettiest person look
not quite so pretty. Though the color of the light itself is lovely).

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Life Of Sleep

Tonight, I shall go to bed at a decent hour and dream of summer.
I will dream of fantabulous adventures 
and the precious memories that await around this 
spring semester.
Of filling my summer days with art and books, surf and sand, and freedom.
I really want to get my etsy up and running. 
This is towards the top of my Summer To DO List
(Yes, I make lists to comfort myself. I know that I wont forget, they just make me feel at ease).
Oh yes, my dreams will be lovely tonight. 
At lease I hope.
We have little control over our dreams. 
I remember, as a child, I used to think about something that I wanted
to dream of really hard, and hope that 
whatever it was would make it to the life of my sleep.
Nevertheless, it is still a lovely thought to have.
I wish you all sweet dreams tonight, dear friends. 
Sleep peacefully and soundly.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Mercies Anewed

Yesterday, while sitting in church, 
I was thinking about God's mercies and how their limit never ends.
How they stretch beyond the deepest point
in space and are new every day.
Though we are wretched sinners and deserve 
nothing, He gives us everything. 
No greater gift could
be given to us. No greater gift could
possibly exist! 

How blessed I feel, that through all my sinful follies,
My Lord still shows me mercy 
and never leaves my feet, as they travel down
this world's worn and miserable path. 
How blessed I feel, 
That even after I stray, He still guides
my feet back to that narrow road,
upon which is heaped
blessings. Even if these blessings
do not make themselves apparent as soon as we encounter them. 

Saturday, May 01, 2010