Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Did I Tell You?!?

*drum roll*

Kombucha is back!!!

I was EVEN in the local health food store, 
when they unpacked it.
How lucky is that?! 
The guy unpacking it was so nice. He opened up the
box with the flavor I wanted,
and let me
have the privilege of being the first to purchase
(and drink, since I just couldn't wait to drink it the car)
 a bottle from their first shipment, 
since that whole scenario went down.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Have A Lovely Day

I am wishing you all a lovely day, filled with beauty and
breath-taking discoveries like
these gorgeous flowers.
(I wish I knew what the name of this flower is. If anyone knows, 
leave me a comment telling me! I'd love to know).

Also, a quick little quote:

art is the only way to run away without leaving home.
— twyla thorp

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Book Love

Today, I feel like posting, but have nothing of interest to say. 
SO, I've decided to post a little list of 
books that I adore:

1. Jane Eyre* 
(mostly depressing but ends lovely)
2. Freckles
(endearing all around)
3. The Notebook*
(love love)
4. The Invisible Man
(brother love)
5. The Giver Trilogy
(read it for school but loved it still)
6. Northanger Abbey
(Love Austen)
7. Crown Duel*
(total nerd reading but love)
8. The Princess Bride
(love the movie, but the book is even better)
9. Twilight*
(not a die hard fan but I loved them and the movies)
10. Peter Pan

* = read more than once

I spose that's good enough for now... I have read a lot 
but for some reason my mind has gone a bit

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Now is...

Now is a time for a cuddly kitty friend, and I have none. Now is
the time for tea and silence with my Lord, but
stress is prevalent. 
Now is the time to cuddle in bed wearing your sweet's 
sweater, but its not time for bed yet.
Now is the time to get lost in a good book, but 
thoughts keep your attention elsewhere.