Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Dozing Mind

 I find myself completely and utterly exhausted right now.
(Though, staying up until 3 a.m. was my fault)
However, school and work are keeping me going when my body wants
to slow down. 

I fell asleep in the car, a 15 minute car ride,
within the first five of those minutes.
I repeated on the way home.
Oh well, sleep will come early tonight, I hope. 
I truly want a good nights sleep.
I don't want to be tired
for another Sunday Sermon and miss half 
of the sermon itself, due to my 
sleep-deprivation, and dozing mind.

I am happy to say,
that my poetry writing has returned. 
I am always saddened by how it chooses to come and go.
I'd much rather it just stay.
But, I refuse to complain about its goings,
and instead to be excited in its return!!


Anonymous said...

Oh I hear you! Though I'm positive you're spending more time up than myself haha. You know, I've found that going to bed earlier and getting up earlier is waaaaay better than staying up late (I tend to get more done in the morning and my head is clearer as well).

Huzzah for the nearing end of the semester!!

Amandolin said...

I agree. I like going to bed early and getting up early. It is so much better and healthier that way.
Though having a late night with a friend, or even alone, is nice someitmes:)

Anonymous said...

A to the men.