mike and i... i literally danced out of my shoes doing the polka with him^^
okay mike and are polkaing in the upper right hand corner...^^^^
hello! and good morning.
the dance last night was fun! i forgot how fun those are. i got to polka with mike. he is so much fun to polka with! he is the only guy who really knows how to polka... we were going so fast... oh man. it started at 6:30 and went until 10. i didnt get home until 12:10 and then didnt go to bed until 2:00... my mom and i were talking for two hours before i went to bed:-)
after the dance some of us went to starbucks. i got an iced americano with soy and carmel flavor. ya. it was very good. you know caffiene doesnt really affect me at night if i am already really tired. i think that is cool. haha! mike was so funny. and there was this other guy that i dont remember his name, he was pretty funny too. all i remeber of him was that he was from frezno and staying in lompoc for a while. also that he is learning to surf...
okay i totally did not know that brittany was in japan!! i asked mike where she was and when he told me that... i had no clue!!! i guess that explains why she didnt return my text a few weeks ago...
today i will just be cleaning and going to michaels... i dont know... i wanted to get together with a friend of mine... i just am not sure how that will go with all that we have to do today=(
well, thats all ive got.
Alla hu akhbar!!!
man i forgot my cam... so i didnt have it at the dance.... soooo maybe we will go surfing soon eh?
i'm jealous! I want to dance with you. Next time for sure.
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