under the pismo pier
wow. that is all i can say. it just hit me this morning. there is so much that has to be finished up and figured out in the coming the last year of high school. a lot of big decisions.
as some of you may or may not know. my permit expired in february while i was away in tennessee. i was pretty bummed about that. really. so the options are, do the whole thing over again or wait until i am 18. my mom prefers me to have practice before i drive... so i think that we might be taking the "do it all over again" route.
i really wanted to get that done with before my dad came this summer (if indeed he is really coming here to visit me). that way i would be able to drive them around... take them to cool places. i guess being co-pilot isnt that big of a difference. it is just easier driving than giving directions.
then there are the college discussions and choices.
plus i need to figure out a way to earn money. that sounds so- i dunno, greedy in a way. i dont mean it like that at all. i cant really call it earning a living... cuz im not on my own. so i rally dont know what else to call it. i am going to putting together a list... i need to figure that out as soon as possible. i have quite a few ideas. it is just the choosing of an avenue that is the hard part. where to go..?? yes, i need to make the list. i kind of wanted to have my own business of sorts.
my parents are going to take me on a trip out of country for my graduation. it is time to do my research and figure out where i would want to go.
so there is a lot to think about:-)
we went surfing yesterday... it was nice! the weather was good. the wind kicked in at one point... so the waves blew out a bit. though, by that time we were done surfing. haha!!! while we were out surfing there was this seal and he was hanging out where we were. mackenzie was totally freaked out. i was too. i cant lie. i mean what if we made it mad at us... ya. we both screamed. it was very funny. then mackenzie got attacked by a crab. lol! i wasnt there for that one. but- i did laugh when i heard the story.
today is grandmas last day before she goes home. we all wanted her to get a summer job up here.... sadly that didnt happen=(
today, i believe, i will just be doing laundry and chores. which is very fine. i am very sore and tired from this week and a half of surfing, boarding, tag, hiking on the beach... so the hanging around the house is nice. i did hear something about the craft store. im not sure though, if anyone goes there i will for sure go.
that is all i have for now. i say that like this is a short post. lol:-)
so long
Ack mein fruend! How are you? I am sitting at home sick and decided to check out everyone's blogs :) love your new format. Ummm as for money... whatever happened to starting our little band/quartet lol? I was just thinking about that today... I have no idea why. Call me!
heeeey umm i have nothing to do this week so call me some time or something.... ive got no one to hang out withhhh ya
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