The light of the night is streaming into my open blinds. I can look up from my desk, through slanted lines, and see the strange, orange light. The smoke from the mountain fires makes the moon light ghostly and haunting. For some reason, I find that orange glow eerie. It reminds me of being in Tennessee and the sky being green and still... Sending all a silent warning of the tornadoes that will soon be coming. The orange glow seems like it should be linked to some terrible disaster like that. I spose fire is a terrible disaster... But to me it seems like it should be more weather based.
I must confess that looking through my blinds at night at all, completely scares me. It seems so, unpredictable. Anything could be waiting behind their shelter. It seems more probable that you would see something you don't want to see, when you look through them at night. All the shadows seem unearthly and menacing. All the houses suddenly look suspicious and haunted. Cars could be holding unseen eyes watching you as you innocently peek through. Somehow, everything seems waiting for an opportunity. What that opportunity is, I know not... I know enough to hide from it.
And yet, here I sit, with the blinds at my desk wide open. I can here a noise close to the window on the right. Everything is so colorless. Black and orange. Houses are orange, trees are black, cement is orange, most the backyard is black... There is nothing comforting about that.
I miss the nights where the sky is clear and crisp and the moon shines in all its cool glowing glory. In this same spot, at my desk with the blinds open, the moons soft light drifts in and illuminates my room. It has a soothing feel about it. But not this orange. This orange is nothing short of disturbing.