Monday, October 23, 2006

okay, im back...

hey guys. well, my socal trip is over. and i'm glad to be home. life is better here... not so much drama. i love my family. but when you walk in and all people talk about it," he said she said... and so and so's mad..." you want to be there so whoever has someone to talk to and vent on. but- sometimes its hard. especially with family. cuz it kinda hurts to see your family, doing that to each other...

on a different subject... i spent four and a half hours in a geology class today. it was intresting and all. but, four and a half hours. ahh... it was a long day. i glazed over at one point and started doodling on my paper. it took a few minutes to pull myself back. but- over all, i did feel like i learned quite a bit. and i really liked all the biblical refrence... this class is once a month for five months... so, its not so bad. time wise i mean...

haha! jack, one of my kittens, is sitting here, really trying to get my attention. purring, meowing, cocking his head, and rolling around... but- he's just not getting the attention he wants. then i pick him up, and he's over it... go figure. oh well... he is a stinker, but he's my little buddy. at least until someone takes him away from me. if anyone does. it looks doubtful so far...

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