well, im here to blog. i dont really have much to say.
things have been interesting these last few months. very.
some good, some bad. though, isnt that the way it goes
most of the time? maybe its just more so these last months
i think.
well, the nutcracker is gone and past. i must say, im happy
that its over and yet sad at the same time. it was a lot of
work and energy! i think my favorite parts out of my eight
were being the mouse king and waltz of the flowers. i enjoied
those a bit more than all my other parts. welll, i did like
part of snow. the middle-ish part. i got to do an awesome
tour jetè. fun. havent been back to ballet class yet. ive
been battling a cough, lost voice, and weird breathing.
so, the breathing being the biggest reason, i havet been back.
i didnt want to pass the not so funness to anyone there. its
getting better though. hopefully ill be able to go tomorrow.
it seems to be the worse in the evenings into the morning...
which, ballet is in the evening. sooo... .ya. now im just
rambling. would ya all pray that i get better soon?
my mom is outta town at the moment. down south. so we are all
manning the stations here, the best we can. without her, we
can get lost sometimes. haha! jk. we are okay. but we all
miss her. a lot.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
okay so, i guess i have a cold now.
i woke up, and it was there. so weird
how that happens, huh? i mean, to come
on so suddenly. i was totally fine!
then- cold. uhg anyways... nothing
really all that new. same same. i guess
that i just wanted to post cuz i felt
like it. even though there is nothing
really to talk about.
so thats pretty much it.
i woke up, and it was there. so weird
how that happens, huh? i mean, to come
on so suddenly. i was totally fine!
then- cold. uhg anyways... nothing
really all that new. same same. i guess
that i just wanted to post cuz i felt
like it. even though there is nothing
really to talk about.
so thats pretty much it.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
i have to do that, Penché↑
so update... well, i spent the entire day at the studio today. really. from 9am-5pm. im a bit sore. haha! im always sore for a while after rehearsals start. i dunno why i have to say i am, every time.
so i found out that my whole angel solo im on point. literally. so, im kinda stressed. i can do it! (haha! i have to boost myself up.) im sure it will work out. i thought i couldnt do the last dances i had to do, but, i did. soooo... mainly, i think, its just good teaching. haha!
deep breath*
ya. that is pretty much it. my days have been spent doing ballet and homework this last week. so there isnt much to tell.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
latin choir

tonight my mom puts in the cd of the songs in latin we had to learn for choir, when i was like 11&12. memories. i like that memory. a group of kids, jake and i included, sang songs in a latin choir just before christmas. it was fun! a production that i will never forget. i remember the songs too! which make me happy for some reason...??? i have no idea why. is it just me, or have most home school kid sang in some choir or other, at some point? it does seem that way.
oh! nutcracker update! i have two roles now. i am a snow angel and the rat king. i cant wait! and because i decided to not make time for stretching and doing warm-ups to stay in shape, im very very sore. ive stretched a lot in the past few days and now im very sore. my neck... uh even thats sore. lol! i had a hard time rolling outta bed this morning because of it. im glad though. that way i wont be too outta tune when i go back for rehearsals.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
ever dream about being a three headed rat?

well, here i am again.
gues what!?
okay, so i have wanted to be in the nutcracker for a long time. since i first started ballet. when we lived in sacramento, while i was a level three ballerina, i tried out. it was a bigish ballet company that was putting on the nutcracker that year. they- were very serious. i wont go into too many details, because that is a different story in and of itself. however it was an all day, two day process. i failed the first day, and went back the next with a higher hope. i got in that second as a chinese attendant. that was a long time ago... but the circumstances we were put under for the production, was not very nice. the instuctors were just a bit over harsh. so my mom didnt want me to deal with them. or rather, she didnt like the way they delt with the dancers. i didnt get perform.
so! to the point! i have a part this year! i am the three headed rat king. haha! i laughed at first. then i realized that i was in, and was excited. a certain friend of mine said, almost first thing, "i cant wait to see you dressed like a rat!" (he would). so there it is! my part in this years nutcracker. im very excited! i seriously cant wait. i may even gain another part;) i gained a few in the last performance. haha! if not, im quite happy enough to be the rat king.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
ever had a day like this?(brody edition)

okay, today, like mother said, we were cleaning out our boxes in the garage. nevermind that most of the boxes between the three of us (brody, jacob, and myself), were mostly jakes. brode and i only had a box each. yeah. once brode and i were done with our one box, we resorted to picking up trash.
a habit of our kittens, before they were ban outside, was not going to the bathroom in the litter box. so brode and i spent time doing that as well. fun. then- as brody leans over to pick up some more delightfulness, he tips the bag thats already half full of it, on its side. he stand up. i start to smile. then- he realizes. haha! his face was full of such shock, horror, and disgust. he, uselessly trys to clamor up a mountain of random objects to avoid further being down-poured upon by the delightfulness that continues to unload. he did not succeed. he ended up finally putting the bag up right and standing there with a priceless expression. haha! i felt his pain. but the process was pretty funny.
i feel dirty.
JORDAN LINDSEY CARR!!!! why is your blog not accessible to me!!!??? grrr.
(im pretty worried about you. i havent heard from you since yesterday morning. im praying that your okay.)
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
my assumptions are gonna get me fired
well well, remember that week i was spose to have off. you know, this week? well it turns out that im not. and probably almost got fired on monday for not being there. i should have checked the schedule before i left saturday night. but- i didnt. not very responsible of me i must say. i really need to stop assuming. its a bad habit of mine. thank goodness my prayer was answered! i just got the," im not happy with you." instead of," yeah, i dont think you working here is working out." whew! (thank you Lord). hopefully by this thursday, the steam will have all blown off. (im afraid even to walk in there. ill do it though! ill hold my head up! haha)
today has been rather uneventful. im trying to decide what to do with myself for the rest of the evening. before i finally lay my head to rest. lol! ( like ive done anything to make my head tired).
laters all.
(i miss you=)
today has been rather uneventful. im trying to decide what to do with myself for the rest of the evening. before i finally lay my head to rest. lol! ( like ive done anything to make my head tired).
laters all.
(i miss you=)
Monday, August 06, 2007
time must have wings
do you ever feel like time goes by way too fast? one minute its a cold day in january, the next your almost in the middle of august, at the end of summer... i just. wow. i seriously feel like it was january a week or two ago. i try to think of how in the world time went by so quickly! it escapes me. all ive really done is school and work. i mean, sure i have been with friends. but- not that much! just goes to show, i guess. maybe when your focused on something(s) you dont really pay attention to the weeks that start and end. subconsciously you know that fact, but dont spend time really thinking about it.
im wondering what your doing right now..?? there is no way you are sleeping. i can think of you just lying in bed staring at the ceiling, wondering what im doing as well.
i cant wait until your back. though, i know your having fun. (no matter how you dont want to admit it=) i cant say that ive had a horrible time. just havent done anything out of the ordinary. well, i miss you. and- i love you very much.
im wondering what your doing right now..?? there is no way you are sleeping. i can think of you just lying in bed staring at the ceiling, wondering what im doing as well.
i cant wait until your back. though, i know your having fun. (no matter how you dont want to admit it=) i cant say that ive had a horrible time. just havent done anything out of the ordinary. well, i miss you. and- i love you very much.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
the beginning of a week.
well, you left today. actually, you are in the process of leaving now. im pretty sad. i wish that you didnt
have to go. all your blogs are so sweet. ill be worried about you all
week. worried that you got hurt or something. since i have no way to
talk to you.... sadness.... ( i love you)
i really do need to post more.
well lately all ive been doing is working. thats my summer. lol!
i have this next week totally off! which is amazing. i usually work
three to four days a week. lately, meaning the last two weeks,ive been working four days. its nice to work by the beach though. i can hear all the sea gulls. i dont like them. i refer to them as flying rats. (haha
)... but its nice to hear the ocean life outside of four walls above
the sound of people shopping.... with questions, and complaints.ive also been working on school work. im happy to have a full week that i can get it all done. that- will be nice. sine ive been working, i almost prefer school. haha!
hey! i dont know if any of you still get on my blog, though zach left a comment not long ago,but welcome home Way family!!!!
have to go. all your blogs are so sweet. ill be worried about you all
week. worried that you got hurt or something. since i have no way to
talk to you.... sadness.... ( i love you)
i really do need to post more.
well lately all ive been doing is working. thats my summer. lol!
i have this next week totally off! which is amazing. i usually work
three to four days a week. lately, meaning the last two weeks,ive been working four days. its nice to work by the beach though. i can hear all the sea gulls. i dont like them. i refer to them as flying rats. (haha
)... but its nice to hear the ocean life outside of four walls above
the sound of people shopping.... with questions, and complaints.ive also been working on school work. im happy to have a full week that i can get it all done. that- will be nice. sine ive been working, i almost prefer school. haha!
hey! i dont know if any of you still get on my blog, though zach left a comment not long ago,but welcome home Way family!!!!
Friday, April 27, 2007
im here! haha! i have a horrible habit; i post for a while then- i stop posting. psh yeah. what can i say??
well things have been busy. lots of school and ballet. copious amounts of both. i have both today, just like i had both yesterday. i have, not surprisingly, been added into three more parts in two of the performances for ballet. hey hey! im considered a level three more now! when i restarted ballet my teacher didnt know where to put me, because of my history in ballet. so im officially picking up where i left off. YES! (which was half way through my fourth year.)
hey guys could you all pray that i get my school work done before the fall. i really would like to go to hancock starting this fall! that would be pretty awesome!
well things have been busy. lots of school and ballet. copious amounts of both. i have both today, just like i had both yesterday. i have, not surprisingly, been added into three more parts in two of the performances for ballet. hey hey! im considered a level three more now! when i restarted ballet my teacher didnt know where to put me, because of my history in ballet. so im officially picking up where i left off. YES! (which was half way through my fourth year.)
hey guys could you all pray that i get my school work done before the fall. i really would like to go to hancock starting this fall! that would be pretty awesome!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
and... thats it.
hello to all! haha! you all will have to let me know how you are all doing. im doing pretty good. i cant complain. i have had a crazy couple of weeks! im now in four preformances (for ballet), i had an all day long class with mr. pudewa not long ago, i have had quite a few meetings in a.g. this last week, (i know this doesnt seem crazy but-) i need to talk to my dad... about me coming down soon and the summer visit. yeah the summer visit, oh man. hes not gonna be very happy i dont think. that being because, i just cant go down for two months this year. (much like last year, cept last year i was down there for one month. this summer we're talking like very limited amount of time.)i have too much to do this summer. and- i think im old enough to plan things for the summer. last year i kinna got in trouble with him and my step-mom, for not being there. mhm, yup. so yes that will take a few weeks to build up courage to call and tell them that again. whew!
today im not doing much. i have school and ballet. thats pretty much it... i dont think ill be going anywhere or doing anything else (that i know of).
today im not doing much. i have school and ballet. thats pretty much it... i dont think ill be going anywhere or doing anything else (that i know of).
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
let me tell you
hello all... or at least to those of you who still get on here.
well, ive been pretty busy this week. my mom has been taking jacob to mr. p's writing class since monday, and has to until thursday. so ive been kinna playing the role of both sergeant mother and sister. lol! its been pretty fun actually. although-i havent been able to get all my school work done (which isnt good.)
im currently in the process of making beef burgundy for dinner. yeah- im hoping i didnt screw it up. cuz i wont know if i did for 8-10 hrs. it should be fine. it wasnt all that much work; its in the crock pot. yeah, okay, i agree with you all, enough dinner talk.
im taking mr. p's class for the SAT essay on friday. ill be gone from like 7:00 in the morning, til' some time in the afternoon. yeah, all day. i have to bring a lunch with me... psh. there will be quite a few people there that i know though. so thatll be pretty cool.
nothing extraordinary is going to happen today. just the basics: school (or what i can get done), chores (ive already done those), making meals, taking care of the kids, and my piano lesson... except later tonight when i get to see kevin! thats gonna be fun... other than that, nothing. nope nothing.
well, ive been pretty busy this week. my mom has been taking jacob to mr. p's writing class since monday, and has to until thursday. so ive been kinna playing the role of both sergeant mother and sister. lol! its been pretty fun actually. although-i havent been able to get all my school work done (which isnt good.)
im currently in the process of making beef burgundy for dinner. yeah- im hoping i didnt screw it up. cuz i wont know if i did for 8-10 hrs. it should be fine. it wasnt all that much work; its in the crock pot. yeah, okay, i agree with you all, enough dinner talk.
im taking mr. p's class for the SAT essay on friday. ill be gone from like 7:00 in the morning, til' some time in the afternoon. yeah, all day. i have to bring a lunch with me... psh. there will be quite a few people there that i know though. so thatll be pretty cool.
nothing extraordinary is going to happen today. just the basics: school (or what i can get done), chores (ive already done those), making meals, taking care of the kids, and my piano lesson... except later tonight when i get to see kevin! thats gonna be fun... other than that, nothing. nope nothing.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
too much brain power
you know... its a sad thing that i have to think of a post. i shouldnt have to think that hard to figure out a post. its rediculousness. seriously.
i shouldnt have to think this hard=/
i shouldnt.
nope, i shouldnt.
i shouldnt have to think this hard=/
i shouldnt.
nope, i shouldnt.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
a day in the life of the inevitable...
well today- was my first day of ballet for six years! before then, i took it for three years. and i know that some of you may be laughing at my doing ballet... but i do enjoy it. plus, im not allowed to do soccer anymore. because my mom didnt like me being pumled by the guys. shes worried that id get seriously hurt. it is possible. s i also need more units or credits (whatever you like best) in p.e. so ballet counts for p.e. and like i said, i do like ballet. laugh all you want. oh! and im already gonna be in a preformance. so yeah we're talking like ballet four times a week.
i havent done much besides school. and youth group tonight... and piano lessons tomorrow. (although i do still have a physics test thats, sadly, calling my name.) alas- i must depart. sorry for talking about nothing but ballet. and if i was borring. there just hasnt been a whole lot going on=/
and just to let you know i think the word "alas" is a pretty cool word. i think that its probably one of my favorite words. i have quite a few favorite words, and that is definatly one of them. yeah... i think i need to be done now.
i havent done much besides school. and youth group tonight... and piano lessons tomorrow. (although i do still have a physics test thats, sadly, calling my name.) alas- i must depart. sorry for talking about nothing but ballet. and if i was borring. there just hasnt been a whole lot going on=/
and just to let you know i think the word "alas" is a pretty cool word. i think that its probably one of my favorite words. i have quite a few favorite words, and that is definatly one of them. yeah... i think i need to be done now.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
my week slightly magnified...
well, it seems as though i dont have much to say. as im sure youve noticed, by my lack of posting. ive been thinking for a while (when ever i get the time to think) about a good post. ive contemplated posting a poem, part of my stories, making up an adventure,or posting a dream. and none of them were very appealing to me.
so here it is... it may be borring, but- here it is anyways. (i promise i wont talk about school... cept for mentioning it here... school is not that exciting.)
so, we had company this last monday-wednesday. good friends of ours from life up in ol' sac. the pooches. it was pretty fun... i mean it was nice to see them. cuz we really didnt do much; just stayed home. well- not entirely true. mrs. pooch took all the little girls(there were three of them) to the beach with a hot thermus of tea. the boys didnt go. and neither did my mom and i. she and i had to stay home, on account of the fact that, i had to work at the the home-less shelter. and wouldnt be back in time.
and hey, ive been in search of some good books. i would really like to start reading a book. but- have been unable to find one that i was truely intrested in. which is an amazing feat... concidering there are millions of books in the world. so- if any of you have a good book... comment me the name! please...
annndd i would like to take this time to say, i love the new pride & prejudice...
hm... something more... i dont feel like im done yet. i went to youth group for the first time since last august. yeah that was fun. there were quite a few new faces.. and wednesday, i went to home groups with kev... that was fun... it was good to see him=) we played this pretty awesome game... next time i do anything, get-together- wise, we should do that game.
and i dont know who is gonna read this long post. or if anyone even does read my posts, (cept kev=) but- yeah... i guess ill be talkin to you all laters.
so here it is... it may be borring, but- here it is anyways. (i promise i wont talk about school... cept for mentioning it here... school is not that exciting.)
so, we had company this last monday-wednesday. good friends of ours from life up in ol' sac. the pooches. it was pretty fun... i mean it was nice to see them. cuz we really didnt do much; just stayed home. well- not entirely true. mrs. pooch took all the little girls(there were three of them) to the beach with a hot thermus of tea. the boys didnt go. and neither did my mom and i. she and i had to stay home, on account of the fact that, i had to work at the the home-less shelter. and wouldnt be back in time.
and hey, ive been in search of some good books. i would really like to start reading a book. but- have been unable to find one that i was truely intrested in. which is an amazing feat... concidering there are millions of books in the world. so- if any of you have a good book... comment me the name! please...
annndd i would like to take this time to say, i love the new pride & prejudice...
hm... something more... i dont feel like im done yet. i went to youth group for the first time since last august. yeah that was fun. there were quite a few new faces.. and wednesday, i went to home groups with kev... that was fun... it was good to see him=) we played this pretty awesome game... next time i do anything, get-together- wise, we should do that game.
and i dont know who is gonna read this long post. or if anyone even does read my posts, (cept kev=) but- yeah... i guess ill be talkin to you all laters.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
makes the medicine go down
Monday, February 12, 2007
so whats my specialness?
okay so i was watching oprah with my mom (and no, i dont watchg oprah at all, given the exception of today) and it was about these amazing kids. like one kid was performing surgerys at the age of seven! and is now researching a cure for cancer. then there was this girl that was eight and could sing some wonderfully beautiful opera! she was amazing... then this girl from austria that could memorize names from seeing a person once... she can remember them two years later! meeting them once. annnddd there was a little boy who is five and is doing fractions! its insane. so i was thinking... what is my amazing gift? or was i assembled without one? or have i yet to discover it? i have no idea... i wish i knew. so i asked my madre. and she says," well theres no one in the world like you. like- no one has you eyes or your hair... no one is- .... like you!" and then a few minutes later she says," i feel like a retarded worthless idiot." and now we both feel lacking in specialness.... so ya. i feel yeah... im happy for all those kid though! it is amazing the gifts God gave them...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
i have been resurrected!
guess what? i live! and yes im back... i dunno where i went. but- im back. well, yeah... wow. i havent posted for so long that i have no idea what to say. ive been busy... school and working... yes, and chores. i just wanted to tell you all that im alive. and- despite a certain someone asking me to post about a certain valentine of mine. i am just gonna say, that i dont think im gonna. i dont think it would be smart of me, or a good idea. so i refrain from the public posting of such things. if you would desprately like to know... you would have my cell number. and if you did you could call me. then i would decide if i wanted to tell you or not. (no, calling wont get you the info automatically.) haha! i love you guys. i really do.
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