this last saturday my family and i went up to cambria. it was so fun! my parents, apparently, just woke up and decided we were going to go do something fun instead of work all saturday like we usually do. i was pretty shocked and excited. we dont go do many things like that very often. once we got to cambria we went and ate at a little restaurant called the "indigo moon." it was so good! we all loved it. i recommend going there if you havent. right around that restaurant there were a cluster of little shops. i think that cluster was my favorite. they had cute names like: the paper omelette (and art, stationary, card, paper place), birds of a feather (antique boutique) and lily's coffee shop. i love little coffee shops like that. it was decorated so cute too! before we walked around we all decided to get a coffee... well i got a jasmine tea.... we didnt look in all the shops, there were too many. we are going to go back another time.
there was a HUGE three story antique shop there. i lost my mom in it!! my mom and i were so overwhelmed with all there was to look at that we wandered around, glazed, until we came to the clothes section. there we found some hats and had a fun time trying them all on and took pictures in them all.
from there we decided to go walk around the visitors building for hearst castle. that was cool. ive been on one of the tours before... just a long time ago. we didnt go on a tour then...
just across the street was a beach and a pier. i begged to stop and walk on the pier so i could get some pictures. we did. i got used my fisheye. i want to get the film developed! i hope they turned out pretty good.
all in all, it was a wonderful day. it was so great to be with my family and just spend time together, undaunted by school, work, cleaning, cooking, etc. just enjoyed each others company, shared laughs, and made memories=)
ive always known it but, i dont think i could live without my family. i feel so thankful to have been blessed with their love and companionship. they are there during and for everything. they help you up when you fall, laugh with you, cry with you, and anything else! they are another shining light to Gods love and adoration for his children. so much of His love shines through them. i feel so thankful i could cry.
wow its been way to long since we last talked!
i love cambria but i haven't been in forever! but you made me remember how fun it is! i need to go there again : )
so me and my mom couldn't remember when is your mom having the baby?
well we need to hang out soon!
Antique store... I wish we had some of those here :( I haven't found a good one yet and I am quite sad over that. How are you, darling?
That sounds so fun....Im so glad you got to do that!
I heard of this 'Garden Gallery' in Morro Bay that I think we should visit. You know, with all our free time and all our money, and our cars that we can drive with.
( =
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