I love the feeling of dancing. The motion is so peaceful. I, in no way claim to be a good dancer, however, the feeling a completely conquered dance brings is so amazing. What was once so straining and mentally tiring, now feels like the softness of rain or like the gentle delivery of Debussy's Clair De Lune. Ah, I just love it! Today, I can feel that feeling as if it were the air that I breathe; a steady flow, inhale exhale.
All this talk of dance has reminded me that I need a new pair of pointe shoes. I just got a new pair of soft shoes (the old ones had holes in the toe, and I was constantly stubbing them when while I was dancing). New pointe shoes aren't like new soft shoes. You get almost instant gratification with soft shoes. They take a day to mold to your feet and a few more to get used to the new feeling. Pointe shoes take a little longer and aren't nearly as comfortable. I wonder if i should try lambs wool instead of toe pads with my point shoes. Lately, I have heard that it is a little more comfortable.
Hello! :)
Hello! Do I know you??
that pic you have up is rad, of the dancer.
oh man i am super stressed about finals... im failing hist which is a super easy A... but im doing well in eng so that makes me happy... ya ill pray that everything goes well with your finals. ahh
Hey Amandolin! You haven't blogged for a while! I'm not sure you'll get this or not... hope so. Was thinking about you today. Am hoping you are doing really good! Know that I'm praying for you today... that you will be FILLED to OVERFLOWING with God's sweet and lovely, but strong and everlasting ... peace, joy, strength, and love!!! May His joy overwhelm you and fill you with long lasting laughter and contentment! May you bask in the Sonshine of His amazing love! May you be filled with His grace and strength! May you be used mightily by Him! Remember that you are created for an amazing purpose in mind ... it may be filled with mystery, intrigue, hardship, faith, and even doubts... but know that He has great and awesome things specifically for you!!!
Also be encouraged ... He has the perfect, most awesome Man for you, the one that will be YOUR prince full of mistakes and things to learn and mature in but the one that is for you ... the one that complements you, the one that will love you forever and always, the one that God has made FOR YOU and you for him, the one that brings the best out in you (and also, in turn you'll bring the best in him =)... the one that is perfect for you (not necessarily perfect! =) ... wait for that man! The one that fills the things you most desire in your husband! Wait for God's "Prince for Amandolin"! He will be the best, the BEST for you! And your marriage will be incredibly blessed! The love will be sweeter, more awesome, more alive, and oh! SOOOOO incredible! But... only if you wait! And keep your heart, body, soul and mind! I know how hard it can be for young ladies/girls!! But, it can be done. ("I can do ALL things through CHRIST WHO strengths me." Philippians) AND... it is SOOO worth the wait!
I realize this is getting long, esp. for a blog comment. I'm sorry! Just know that I care about you, and am thinking and praying for you!
Also, real quick...
My prayer sincerely is for you today, that you will overflow and spill over in every delightful, weightless, sweet, incredible way, with joy inexpressible. With peace that is beyond your understanding. With strength that comes from your gentle, understanding Savior...that comes right at the most needed time! With tender, most amazing, everlasting, awesome love ever! Jesus loves you dearly, fiercely, deeply, abandonly.... He IS and can be if we let Him... be our Hero. Our Savior. Our God. Our Friend. Our Lover.
Enough said... sorry =(
hope you do have a GREAT and FUN day!!!!!!!!! =)
Love in our King ~ Carrie Jo (from Idaho) ~
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