Monday, October 04, 2010

Abandon Expectations

I feel choked.
Art is not wanting to happen for me,
and I feel devistated
and well just plain ol' sad. 

I made yesterday my ALL day art day,
to work on my next project for 
art class. Nothing was 
what I had envisioned, and not
what I desperately wanted to do! 
I prayed while I shaded,
painted, sanded,
ripped, and rubber cemented. 
Somehow, God is showing me something through this.
I don't know what it is yet.
Maybe, to abandon
expectations of my self, 
grade wise.
I confess that as I was buried in every
art supply that I own,
I was thinking about what would get me a 
good grade, and not the 
art itself. 
Hopefully, after I drop these expectations,
I will do better.

I need Inspiration. 

1 comment:

Corinne Doughan said...

Hey there!
Don't get discouraged!
Be patient.

In the mean time I recommend reading "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. It's a little bit new age-y, but that's easy to look past ... anyway, it's got some great exercises on how to spark creativity within yourself. She's a writer, but the exercises are applicable to all kinds of artists. If you know other fellow artists (of any kind) who want to read through it with you it is great to have other artists hold you accountable to some of the exercises, but you definitely don't have to do it that way.

Hope it helps ... it worked wonders for me!