Monday, August 07, 2006

all of the above...

wow, its been a while since my last post... sorry bout that. well, it seem as though im swamped. school work is crazy, there are things coming up that i really dont want to do, (meaning another car trip), my mom has been pretty sick. (so please prey for her... ) then during the midst of all this ive put upon myself the burden of maintaining the garden areas. why? no idea. it sounded like fun. but now, ive made it a pressing matter. it could still be fun.... oh and another camp is coming up and somehow, i need to find a quick way of earning a little money. (easier said than done. haha...)
i heard something in church yesterday... that really caught my attenion. and it was," that no matter what your doing do it for God." so i got to thinking about my recent schedual, and how i was, trying, to do it out of responsibility and just as something that had to be done. i thought it would be a whole lot better if i did everything for Him. so in a lot of ways, today has been better than the last few. i wasnt as pressed. or worried. ahhh, God is amazing.... somehow, the simpler blessings can mean the most...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i might have heard you on tuesday
but i donno if i did