so ive had a pretty busy day.... this morning, i finished up the thank you letters. they had been so backed up from previous months that it took me two days and a morning to finish them. then i answered the phones for a while, taking orders and fixing accounts. after that i moved on to doing pay pal, which is online orders. so i just print them out then package and mail them. i added the orders i had done to the "book", then i started squirrel mail. which is where i print out people with three or more kids under th age of 10, OR they have requested more than one magazine, OR they have a prayer request, OR all listed previous. if they dont have any of those i just write their name on a mailing lable, slide it in with a magazine, seal it, and mail it. also if the the requests are from outta country i have to look up the above rubies head quaters there, find their email, then forward the message to them. lol! wow, thats very detailed of me....
we may go over to vanges tonight. im not sure. lol! we shall see....
i think im getting sick again... not fun. see all four of us girls sleep in one room. as you saw in the pick a few posts ago.... so when one of us gets sick, we breathe in the diseased (dont think thats a word, so i just made it one) air. so when one gets sick, it tends to circulate. yay! hannah was just sick, and before that amanda and i, before that carrie was sick... so yes im sure you get the pattern. lol! AND nrs. campbell is sick.
okay so- in the office we kept getting whiffs of some disgusting smell. we looked through the cupboard where the smell was coming from,and couldnt find anything!!! so for a week and a half we just went on dealing with the gross smell. we just couldnt figure it out! then today, the smell got stronger, someone calls out my name, and i turn around to see lisa holding a plastic bag. i look at her and then amanda says," they are sardines." rotten sardines were stinking up our office. how they got put in the supply cupbord, i have no idea.