me dressed up like pride and prejudice

a little house we saw on our walk


hey everyone!
sorry ive been lazy about posting... hehe.
pretty much just been down in the office working eveyday. lol! which is what im here for. mostly ive been writing a lot of encouragement letters. they were backed up from like months ago, so there were a lot to write.
for my birthday (yesterday) i went with my friend (the other amanda) and her mom, sister, and friend into franklin. we all went out to sushi and thai food. it was so so so so good! though. i think i need to take them one more time, to real sushi. cuz all they had was a roll with no REAL raw fish. lol! they liked that though. amanda has agreed to eat the hard core stuff=) after that we all went to the hotel they were staying at, and hung out. all we did there was watch tlc shows like 'what not to wear' and 'say yes to the dress' it was pretty cool. the following morning we went to the franklin mall. they have some GEWD stores there. it was fun! although all the girls here say that the nashville mall is better. but- im pretty satisfied with the franklin mall. its better than the santa maria mall. thats for sure. i think that any mall is better than the santa marias.
okay. scary story. this just happened like ten minutes ago. we were coming home from being in town agian. it was one of the other g irls, lisa, birthday. so we surprised her and took her out to ice cream. then we get lost on the way home for 45 minutes. no joke. in the dark too. everything looks different in the dark. after all that, we get on the road to home, and some guy is following us. literally! i know mom you migjht think that we were are being dramatic. hahahaha! but for sure. he drove past us. then we turned into the wrong drive way, so he turned around and like stopped right next to our car as we backed up. so by then we were freaked. then! he turns around and sticks his head outr the window, and just looke at us. nothing came out of his mouth. i dont think he was lost or needed directions somewhere. so i told the driver ( amanda holbrook) to not pull into our REAL driveway. so we passed it then turned around. he had turned around with us. then back around again and was just sitting there. we pulled into pearls driveway and took the long way to our house. then literally ran inside. i was hanging onto one of my shoes with my toes.... seriously. it was scary. uh! not. fun.
i didn't know you liked sushi!! we are so going when you get back!!
and you're right any mall is better then the sm mall.hahaha it needs searous help!
well it sounds like you having a good time!!! i miss you though so don't be gone to much longer k???haha
love you!
How's that tornado?
I will (not) sleep well tonight.
I do love these pics. But I am too distracted to enjoy them much right now.
the tornado was not fun.
i didnt sleep much either....
ive gotten a bunch of texts asking if i am okay. people are like, we were watching the news and we saw that the tornado is going to be in tennessee, are you okay!? even atuntie lo and jrodie text me. plus kevin lee and dean. i ahevnt checked for a while so there may be more. lol!
love you!
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