okay- so, on the drive here last night, mr campbell informed us that one of the water pipes had frozen and broke while they were in new zealand. so they only have one water pipe which ment quick showers. then this morning, mrs campbell walks in the office and says," girls, i have a bit of bad news. it seems the guys who were working on the other pipe, have busted our last pipe. the water came out the cracks and is now frozen as well." so no showers, no flushing of toilets (or pulling the chain as mrs campbell says), no washing of clothes, no dishwasher... we'll be using the spring water from the sink to wash our hair, face, and arms. at least we have water at all!! so please pray that they can get the pipes fixed soon!!!
so, i woke up this morning totally unsure of what to expect. after today im pretty excited for the rest of the trip! excited for the adventures, good times, and lessons ill learn. also the trials. its actually fun working down in the office. i cant help but to think of "the office." today i added a bunch of people to the above rubies group on the computer. i did that from 9 until 12:30. had lunch then, packaged a bunch of news letters from then until about 3. there are four other girls working here with me: lisa, hannah, carrie, and another amanda! they are all really great. fun, easy to talk to.
haha! all the girls adopted from liberia are so cute and funny and very sweet! they almost never stop talking and laughing. i love to see them laugh for some reason. their names are psalmody(16), sapphire(15), and mercy(15).
we went on a four mile hike today. it was really nice to get out and walk a bit. and though everything is still bare, it was still very pretty. we got back and finished i the last of the packaging. now im free for the rest of the evening!