Tuesday, July 29, 2008


okay i really really dont like earthquakes. the last one, a few years ago, was horrible. i dont remember the rating, as far as how big it was, was. i do know that it was big and felt like it lasted forever.

i was up in the kitchen, making lainey lunch and then it starts. at first i didnt know what was going on. i then thought that maybe someone was pounding on the deck doors. so i ran over to lainey and looked at the doors, nothing was there. then i realized. i got a little light headed and almost cried. oh man. that scared me so bad. i had to take a second afterwards to breathe in deeply.

i guess that the earthquake originated in chino. we havent felt any after math. the first one was a 5.4 and the ones after were 3.8 i dont know why i am typing all that. i am sure that you all have a tv and can watch the news. lol! my brain is still recovering.

my phone isnt really working. ill get a text and then can relpy... sometimes i can reply. only two texts went through though.

1 comment:

Nathan Anders said...

oh wow my mom was just reading on the news about the Earthquake... thats pretty crazy! glad everyone is safe and that it was small...