well it looks like i may be going to visit my padre this next week. i havent seen him since christmas. there is a reason though... whats cool is, i may be taking a train down there. i have never ridden on a train. i am pretty excited. i am actually certain that i will be going on a train. so not might but am taking a train down:-)
i really want to bring the guitar down with me. i have in the past. i have a lot of free time there... i could spend quite a bit of time learning a few songs that i have wanted to learn. by the way, that is going good. there a few of us, from church, that are going to meet at our pastors house to practice guitar. our pastor is really good on the guitar. he came over yesterday to change my strings and file the nut down so the action isnt so far from the neckboard. it is so much nicer!!! it almost feels like and electric guitar.
so ya. the last time i went surfing i biffed it and smashed my face into the wet sand (while in the water). you know how the sand compacts when you hit it if its wet? well, it feels like a rock. the scabs have finally come off my forehead and nose. (yes i did bleed) i do have a little bit left on my nose. im sure it will be gone soon. my nose is still totally sore. that was fun. massive headache.
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