this morning i woke up and realized how blessed i am. i knew i was blessed, but today i woke up and really looked at it. there are so many people in my life that i love so dearly. i have such a wonderful family, that i wouldnt trade for anything. i have friends that i love like family and consider them to be so. they are family not just in this life, but spiritually as well. i want to tell you all how much i love you and care for you. i thank God that He saw fit to place you all in my life.
you dont keep every friend and acquaintance that you come across. though a person may be a friend for a while, they dont always stay. as i look back at all the faces that have come and gone, i think of the things i learned or the ways that i was blessed through knowing them. even though they are no longer there in my everyday life, i still thank God for having them pass through. even the painful things that came along with the coming and going of people, i thank Him for. because i know that He brought a purpose that stretched me through it.
today is elle's birthday. she is nine years old today. she has requested what most of us request for dinner on our birthdays, chicken upside down cornbread:) well its either that or sushi:) i am so excited to give noelle her gifts. i love it! holly is sitting in my lap right now. lately she has been sitting a little on her own. she isnt using my stomach as a prop or my arms that reach past her to the keyboard. she is getting bigger!! she keeps bending down and eating her toes. so sweet:) i am thinking of the day that she turns nine. oh my word! that is so far away! i wonder where we all will be in our lives then...
today i feel like i dont know what to do with myself. there are so many things that i would love to do: paint, write, play piano or guitar, surf, dance, read... and yet the consistent beckoning of school is keeping me away from such pleasures. so i feel torn. between both pleasure and duty.
Hey Amandolin! Was so glad to see your post from Saturday! =) Isn't God so good to us!? I hope you had a glorious day yesterday celebrating Jesus, His awful death, His wonderful resurrection, and His AMAZING LOVE for us!!! I felt so refreshed yesterday! The worship service was SO good and the sermon equally so too! Just so good to remember why we can have eternal life... because HE IS ALIVE!!! I love the song, In Christ Alone! So encouraging for me... the last month has been a bit hard, with lots of trials, struggles and learning... but He's good Amandolin, and loves us so VERY much! Like you said, we have so much to be grateful for! Family, friends, God, His love... His life in us!!!
Thanks for the reminder! I'm so glad to have been able to get to known you a bit in TN, and hope to see you again and meet your family too! They sound SO wonderful!!!
Have a lovely 'n' awesome day! ;-) Keep your heart and eyes on Jesus... He has great plans for you Girl! <3
~Carrie Jo (in Idaho! =)
Hey lady, yes I am going! Soo excited. Though I'm gonna need to take on student loans definitely the second semester of my very first year. ): Maybe even the first sememster. But however the Lord provides, I'll be grateful!
Pleeease send me packages, hehe. We're gonna write those stories back and forth too. Ill love nothing more than letters. (:
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