*An embryo is the earliest stage of human development. Virtually every text book (besides the ones for pro-murder), state that," Fertilization marks the beginning of life in the new individual human being."*
Not only is abortion murder but it also uses humans (yes they are humans, no matter how small, or how "developed" they are) for lab experimentation. Human embryos are destroyed every day, and used for testing every day. And can you believe that they have legalized this?! It's not acceptable to use "full grown" human beings for testing, even for the simplest things like shampoo or lotion... But its okay to rip a child from the womb of its mother, and then transport it to a lab where it is frozen and used for experimentation. As if that isn't enough, the ones that they don't use are thrown in the trash. The trash!
The argument that ESCR (Embryotic Stem Cell Research) presents over this whole deal, is funding. (Serious? Funding?) Because such an organization kills human beings, they don't want taxpayers to fund it. They don't want taxpayers to fund murder. By this statement, ESCR openly admits that what they are doing IS MURDER. So, lets not let the public foot the bill... Never-mind that Embryotic stem cells are obtained by killing a child.
This doesn't occur to embryos alone... Partial birth abortion (which has also been legalized), ends in a dumpster. The abortion of a partially born child, who can feel everything, is literally ripping them to pieces. I can't even say that without tearing up. Imagine the amount of pain... Then, like a fish, they are wrapped in newspaper and thrown away.
Every time I see the precious face of a baby, I think of the millions being murdered and want to just grab every baby near me, and hold them tight. The thought that this going on, daily, makes me sick to my stomach.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate."
Psalms 127:3-5
1 comment:
I know honey, I always feel sick and overwhelmed by the evil of it. And it makes me want to gather up the little ones around me to hold them tight too.
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