Hello blog world.
I am so tired, but unable to sleep right now! Over tired? Possibly.
I would like to share with you all what I do to keep myself busy on nights like these. Share all the places I visit, the music I listen to, and the things I sit here and covet (though I know it is a sin and I shouldn't covet... and yet, I can't help it sometimes!)
I am adoring these vintage sites Dear Golden Vintage and Peace Love and Pretty Dresses I have a few vintage things... but most are sort of mod... I'd love to be able to convert my WHOLE wardrobe into glorious vintage style. However, my pockets aren't that deep.
Two blogs that I love reading Rockstar Diaries and All This Happiness
For those of kindred spirit; For those of you who are tea lovers, The Tea Source. They have such wonderful, delightful teas!
As for music, I am favoring Fleet Foxes at the moment. And am also currently listening to them.
One last one! I am a part of this event slash project, called The October Dress Project. It is really neat! Give it a gander:)
The other day as I was driving to drop my little sister off at her horse back riding lessons, a perfectly crisp maple leaf flew onto my window and got caught under my wipers. My little friend stayed with me for quite a while before losing to the wind. I was so happy wit this little friend of mine, I was all smiles. It is fall. I love it!

i checked out "all this happiness" good blog! fleet foxes... good stuff.
will be easy to get poCheap Ceramic Teapotst out of the question
th pot holders should also pay attention. I have encountered such an example. The Keyou family is an open kitchen. The tea table and the pot holChina Purple Clay Teapotder are arranged on the side of the kitchen. After a few days, the new pot on the pot holder is like a patina. "Wang Wang", but the start is full of oil stains, and difficult to clean. In fact, at this time, the oil has completely blocked the pores of the teapot.
The above areYixing Purple Clay Teapot Set the three points that should be paid attention to when the teapot is stored for a long time. I believe it will help you!
Purple Clay Teapot With InfuserWhat are tHandmade Ceramic Teapothe kinds of pot lids in the purple clay teapot?
The purple clay teapot has the characteristics of no glazing inside and ouCheap Ceramic Teapotstside, and the lid and Authentic Purple Clay Teapotthe pot body can be fired together to meet the requirements and functions of the straight lid, the turning, the dust and the heat preservation of the finished pot lid. The main forms are gland, cover and cover.
(1) Gland: Also known as "finish the cover." The lid of the pot is pressed against the top of the spout, and th
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