Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Heart Melts

In the last few days,
Before my departure to my dad's house
for a summer visit,
I have felt some overwhelming love.
Including: my sliding down into a cave with an
avalanche of sand (which
carried me down against my will),
and my little brother screaming in horror 
at the sight and thought of what might be waiting at the
bottom of this cave, and whether or not
I would make it out alive,
and unscathed.
(seems an odd way to feel loved, I know. His genuine 
concern truly touched me though).
My baby sister (who is 1) stroking and running her fingers through my
hair while I wiped down
our wooden cabinets with 'Murphy's Oil Soap'
(does wonders on wood by the way).
And doing so, longer than a normal
one year old's attention span would normally last.
My little sister helping me paint the nails on my right hand
(as it is very difficult and 'Ice' nail polish is very runny).
Dear friends who never leave my
side and are there for me through thick and thin.
And parents whose faces smile though,
fighting back tears,
as I wave goodbye, and text me two minutes after
pulling away to tell me how much they miss me already.
Another little brother who says,
he is sad to be alone, because
I am a true friend of his, and I'll be gone.

Yes, it is love. 

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