Monday, July 05, 2010

Blood and Needles

Oh what and interesting night last night was.
Not among my favorite nights
by any stretch. The worst part is,
I have more on my horizon that I am mentally preparing myself for. 
Which- is not an easy task for me.
As I am not a lover of doctors by any degree.
I got my first blood draw last night, as well as my first IV. And I can tell you,
especially all the people who have told me
that neither are painful,
you were so very wrong, and I feel tricked and maybe a little deceived.
It was painful and I did pass out... Or
fell asleep while I focused on
my breathing.
Thats the last thing I really remember, making myself
breathe evenly. I almost lost it walking out to the car too.
I couldnt hear anything, didnt feel
like I was actually walking, more like floating, nauseating light-headedness and my eyes felt all dark.
Aghh how I hate that feeling 
with a passion. Its uncontrollable and erratic.

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